NS Norfolk - N-24 Gym


N-24 Gym has become a 24/7 Facility. For after business hours, only CAC Card access is authorized. 24/7 access required registration and participation in an orientation. Click here for details on how to register. 

N-24 gym features cardiovascular equipment, strength training machines and free weight equipment, two basketball courts, volleyball, group exercise room, lockers showers, and a sauna. McClure Softball Stadium, two indoor racquetball courts, and tennis courts are located behind the facility. CFL courses are offered to command fitness leaders. NOFFS and Mission Nutrition classes are also offered for active duty personnel. All other events are open to active duty, family members, retirees, Reservists, and DoD civilians. All classes and events are free of charge.

  • Fitness Centers, Swimming Pools and Recreation Centers are open to eligible patrons
  • Bags not permitted on fitness floor
  • Towels are NOT available

NAVSTA Norfolk MWR Fitness is offering a NOFFS one-day course (eight hours) that is open to all CFL/ACFL’s. In this course you will learn how to take exercise programming for your Command PT to the next level of training. In this course you will learn: what is NOFFS and the methodology, exercise science and program design, nutritional foundation and application, and workshops on proper biomechanics for all components of the system. This will be held monthly but you must register. Contact Tyler Smith at 757-444-1389 to register. 

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