NS Norfolk - School Liaison


The School Liaison primary function is to serve as a conduit between parents, educators and the command so that military-connected children experience a seamless transition during the transfer between schools.  Knowing that many military children move an average of every 2.9 years, School Liaison can provide families with educational information to assist them as they begin their PCS planning.

The Child and Youth Education Services program supports military families with seven core services provided by the School Liaison:

  1. School Transition Services (PCS Cycle):  School Liaisons assist families with school transfers and help “level the playing field” for military children and youth.
  2. Deployment Support:  School Liaison connect educators with the military deployment support system to inform them about the cycles of deployment and the tools available to assist educators in working with military children.
  3. Command, School, & Community Communications:  School Liaisons serve as subject-matter experts for installation commanders on K-12 issues, helping to connect command, school and community resources.
  4. Home School Linkage and Support:  School Liaisons assist military families by gathering and sharing information on home schooling issues, policies and legislation from local school districts. They also help leverage military Child and Youth Program resources to support these families.
  5. Partnerships in Education (PIE):  PIE creates a volunteer network of resources to support installation and community members who have a vested interest in the success of all youth.
  6. Post-Secondary Preparations:  School Liaisons leverage installation and school resources to provide graduating military students with access to post-secondary information and opportunities.
  7. Special Needs System Navigation:  School Liaisons provide information about installation and community programs and services, make referrals to the Exceptional Family Member Program, and offer assistance in navigating the administrative systems within local education agencies.

Public School Information

Please note:  In Virginia your physical address determines the schools your children will attend.
Naval Station Norfolk SL services the following school divisions:

Norfolk Public Schools (NPS)

Hampton City Schools (HCS)

Poquoson City Public Schools (PCPS)

Please find specific enrollment/registration information for
Norfolk Public Schools

Hampton City Schools

Poquoson City Public Schools

Medical information, required immunizations and forms are included.  Registration must be done in person and at the zoned school site. 

Private School information

There are many private school options in the Hampton Roads area which include, but are not limited to Montessori, Religiously Affiliated, and Special Education to name a few.  The Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE) provides a complete listing of private school options for the state of Virginia at https://www.vcpe.org/.  Additionally, The Private School Review at  https://www.privateschoolreview.com/ can provide a listing of all schools by local city.

Home School Information

Parents interested in home schooling their children should be aware that the state of Virginia requires notification of the intent to home school.

Virginia Department of Education Home Instruction

Home Educators Association of Virginia

Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers

Moore’s Expression Homeschool Support

An additional resource for military families choosing to home school. Home School Association for Military Families. 

K-12 Special Needs

Parents of special needs students can connect with their local public school’s Parent Resource and Information Center:

Norfolk Public Schools Special Education

Hampton City Schools Special Education

Poquoson City Public Schools Student Services

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center is the parent information and training center serving families and professionals of children with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Special Ed Connection, a free web-based resource available to Navy families, provides resources and tools that enable families to better understand special education requirements and available services.
www.SpecialEdConnection.com (Please contact your local School Liaison for login access)

DirectSTEP® eCourses
Another free web-based resource, can assist with navigating the complexities of special education laws and procedures https://elibrary.cnic-n9portal.net/document-library/?id=815

Military OneSource
Offers assistance to families with special needs family members at their website.

Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP)

Parents’ Guide to Special Education

Guidance for Military Families with Students in Special Education

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Liaisons are located at Fleet and Family Support Centers and provide information and referral to help EFM families identify and access appropriate military, national and community resources. They assist in the navigation of EFMP related programs and systems and are responsible for:

  • Provision of information, referral and systems navigation to special needs families
  • Linking families with available military, national and local community resources
  • Non-medical case management
  • Development and maintenance of Individualized Service Plans (ISP)
  • Partner with Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Coordinators to provide information, education and marketing

Youth Sponsorship

The Youth Sponsorship program is designed to assist young people in making the transition from one installation to another successfully. It is our goal to help incoming youth adjust and get connected with a youth sponsor at the installation. Youth Sponsors will provide information about area schools, attractions and the surrounding community. This program is created by and for youth with youth involvement in every aspect of the program. To apply for a youth sponsor please complete the request form (please use provided form specific to Naval Station) and email it to your School Liaison.  Contact the Youth Center for more information at 757-444-8259. 

Please go to https://www.navylifema.com/child-youth  for regional information. 

Our website so that parents can get on the waiting list for military childcare. https://militarychildcare.com/ 

For parents who cannot find care within our CYP. They must be registered on https://militarychildcare.com/ and on a waitlist to qualify. https://usa.childcareaware.org/fee-assistancerespite/

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the kindergarten age cutoff date? September 30 
  • Do I have to live in the Zone where the school is located to attend? Yes. Virginia is a school zoned based state. However, there may be some school districts who offer out of district (zone) placements if applications are submitted by the required deadlines. 
  • Do the local schools have talented and gifted programs? Most local schools have gifted an talented programs.
  • Is there school choice or other school options in the area? School choice varies for each school district. Visit the desired school district website for their school choice options. 
  • What schedule does the local high school follow…traditional, block, A/B Block…? School schedules vary depending on the district. Visit the school district website for their specific school schedule.

DoDEA Information

Department of Defense Education Activity 

The website you need to visit if you are PCSing to an area overseas that does not have a DODEA school.


Local Stem/PIE
For local Stem/PIE information, please contact the local School Liaison or visit https://www.onr.navy.mil/en/work-with-us


Naval Station Norfolk Relocation Assistance

A4L Transition Program

Academic Support

SAT/ACT Preparation

Student Aid

Military Dependent Scholarship List

Department of Defense Education Activity

Military School Liaisons (All branches)

Interstate Compact on Education Opportunity for Military Children

The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)

National Military Family Association (NMFA)

Military OneSource

My Navy Portal (PCS Support)

Navy MWR

For additional information, comments, and questions, please click here to contact SL.